Poster taggade ‘last’


Written by Hannah Streefkerk. Posted in Hannah Streefkerk

The autumn in the Netherlands was for me always a season with storms and rain. I like storms, I like autumn. I like the feeling of changing and cleaning up. In Sweden I still like the autumn. The storms made place for beautiful leaves. The forest in this time of the year is just fantastic and several of my works are inspired by autumn leaves. When I walked home from my work my eyes saw these nice broken leaves. I had to take  them with me and put them in the scanner. The moment that leaves are starting to fall apart is what is trickering me.


Skanna 2

In the work A time for, which I showed already earlier these week, the shapes of the leaves are inspired on these broken leaves. I emphasize even the holes in the leaves with a crocheted line.




My head is spinning on a new idea (next to the lav ideas) with this broken leaves. Maybe I continue with the leaves made from birch bark, maybe I try again in paper. The two next photos showed that I tried earlier to make leaves in paper, but sometimes you can feel you are not 100% ready with a work. The first photo shows brown paper leaves where I sewed on. I focused more on the shape of dry leaves. The second photo shows the same kind of leaves but then placed on thin sticks. The idea here was more to look at the movement of the autumn leaves. This work won in Germany 3 weeks ago the first prize. Very fun to win a prize! And a big honor!

to remember, detail klein

to remember 2

Where all my new ideas will end I don’t know yet. But if you want to know please follow me on my website. When I made new work I will put photos on that site (although sometimes it can take a while)

the adress is :

This post is my last post on this blog and I have to say, writing is difficult. I knew that already before that I am not a writer, and in another language I feel even more handicapped.

Thank you all for reading and enjoy the rest of the day!


Written by Hannah Streefkerk. Posted in Hannah Streefkerk

The last half year was quite a hectic one with a lot of exhibitions and art projects. Nothing wrong with that, but there was hardly time to think about new work. At the moment I can breath a bit more and I can feel new ideas plopping up in my head to try out. Half oktober I will go to Australian for a big sculpture exhibition (sculpture by the sea, Bondi, Sydney). I will create there on place a site specific work. The idea is ready so I don’t need to spend my time at the moment at that.

I always enjoy the moments in my work that I can try new ideas and get new ideas. It is exciting to discover and try. When I work to long with old work ore ideas I get a kind of bored. The last years I worked a lot with old leaves and broken trees. At the moment I am fascinated by Lav. I like to look on wikipedia and the swedish wiki writes about Lav:

lavar har det vetenskapliga namnet Lichenes och är organismer bildade av ett symbiotiskt förhållande mellan en svamp och en alg, eller ibland en cyanobakterie. Svampens roll är att utgöra stödjevävnad och skydd samt att suga upp vatten, medan algen genom fotosyntes bidrar med energi.

The symbioses is for me the interesting part, beside the beautiful looks of lav. Lav can only exist with the symbioses. When one part of the cooperation is not working, there will be no lav. All the factors, like clean air, the right bottom, the svamp and the alg need to be there. As humans we could learn of lav in working together!

I took a lot of photos of lav and at the moment I try to make my own lav with crocheting. What it will be ore bring me I don’t know yet, we will see. At the moment I mostly enjoy playing with yarn and get a free head again.






Ett skepp kommer lastat

Written by Catharina12. Posted in Steampunkers

Med vadå? Jo med kreativitet i flytande form.

Jag är slav under min last, vilket är min kopp kaffe på morgonen.

För om jag inte vaknar till liv blir det inte mycket skapande Ir.